CYPRUS | Presentation of the school

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CYPRUS | Presentation of the school

Presentation of the school

Ethnomartyras kyprianos Lyceum is situated in Strovolos on the outskirts of Nicosia, the capical city of Cyprus, and is a Lyceum  of general secondary education . The school was founded in 1970. It took its name after Archbishop Kyprianos. Archbishop Kyprianos was born in Strovolos and fought against the liberation of the island from the Ottoman Empire. He was executed on July 9th, 1821.

Since the foundation of the school in 1970, there has been a tremendous growth in the number of  students  as well as in academic standards. Today our school accommodates 80 teachers and 510 students, the majority of which come from the surrounding suburbs. Most of our students come from middle-class families.  We are about a ten minute drive from the centre of the capital city.  The language spoken at school is Greek. This is the mother tongue of the majority of both students and teachers. A  number of students have other mother tongues though, but they speak Greek as well. Our school is also located close to a refugee district, thus a large number of students of our school are refugees. 


Our school participates in  European programmes with a wide range of activities including exchange visits with other schools in Europe such as Germany, Belgium, France,   Poland.  Italy,  Spain and other countries.  Apart from this, our students take part in many other extra curricula activities such as the annual school conference which has a different theme each year and it involves the active participation of 2/3 of our students.


The school has 39 classrooms, one chemistry lab, one special room for history classes, two for Greek classes, two for physics, one for biology, two for mathematics   one for art, one for music two for languages, two for technology, two for typing, three for computer, one library and special rooms for physical  education.


For us, education is not only academic knowledge and achievements but the ability to understand and accept other cultures and to realize that a foreign language is not a barrier but another medium of communication. Intercultural understanding is a necessity, if world peace is to promoted.


Our school provides its students with the opportunity to distinguish themselves in the academic, artistic and sports fields. Special attention is given to the development of emotional intelligence and a plethora of activities are organized to emphasize the growth of humanitarian values such as solidarity, brotherhood, the acceptance of diversity, self-respect and empathy.  It also contributes, through the implementation of various methods, to develop a wide range of skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, imagination, creativity and initiative. 

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of School

Presentation of school

Presentation of School

Presentation of school

Presentation of School

Presentation of school

Presentation of School

Presentation of school

Presentation of School

Presentation of school

Presentation of School

Presentation of school

Presentation of School

Presentation of school

Presentation of School

Presentation of school