LITHUANIA | Activities

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LITHUANIA | Activities

Reading event of the 5th formers

- Getting Acquainted with the Works of a Lithuanian Writer Vinas Kreve -

On the 26th March 2015 the 5th formers presented pageant of the works of Vincas Kreve in our school library. Students were getting ready for this task for two months. Students read short stories of Vincas Kreve and described them in special notebooks of reading. All the students were divided in four groups and they had to make a house with a straw roof, write the titles of the read short stories on it and settle characters in the house. Each group had to choose their favourite short story and act it.
Before making presentations of their short stories, students found out the facts of life and works of Vincas Kreve. The members of every group started their performances with the presentation of a creative task – the house. The houses were beautiful and built following all the requirements. The most distinctive mini play was created according to the short story “Herrings”. Having all the tasks done, we were sitting and discussing both about the moments of success and problems. Having discussed the evaluation of the tasks, students left library with Easter eggs and a new task.
Erasmus+ team member, teacher Rasa Kvirevičienė

Reading event of the 5th formers Reading event of the 5th formers

Reading event of the 5th formers Reading event of the 5th formers

Reading event of the 5th formers Reading event of the 5th formers

Reading event of the 5th formers Reading event of the 5th formers

Reading event of the 5th formers Reading event of the 5th formers

Reading event of the 5th formers Reading event of the 5th formers

Reading event of the 5th formers Reading event of the 5th formers

Reading event of the 5th formers Reading event of the 5th formers

Reading event of the 5th formers Reading event of the 5th formers

Reading event of the 5th formers Reading event of the 5th formers