THE PROJECT | Project Meetings | Germany: October 13 – October 15, 2014

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THE PROJECT | Project Meetings | Germany: October 13 – October 15, 2014

Report first project meeting

- Germany -



      for life after school as happy Europeans





Results of our first project meeting in Emmerthal, Germany
October 13 – October 15, 2014

1. Italy (webmaster) is going to install our website that will be financed by the coordinating school. There will be a menu bar for general information about our project and others for each partner including homepage of the school, presentation of the school, activities and photo gallery.


2. In order to get a quick start and to support the Italian colleagues Germany has installed a platform where you could send your contributions (starting with address of your homepage and presentation of your school).

Each partner school will get an access code by mail (you will get “user name”, “password” and a short instruction manual for that within a few days!)


3. Guideline for contributions:

    - use of Office Microsoft 2003 and upwards

    - use of the same fond ( regarding one country)


4. Italy is going to install our blog. At least two teachers of each school will get access. Students shall use it only under survey.


5. Project-Logo
Each school organizes a competition to create a logo until the end of November 2014. Up to December 1 each school sends one proposal to Rudolph. The logo is to be found before December 8.


6. Start “Best photo of the activity”.


7. Europass
Each school has to apply at its national agency for the europass (virtual document for students).


8. Next project meeting will be in Cyprus before March 22(or 24, we will check that very soon!) 2015.


9. General notes:

  • mind the regulations and study the application carefully to stick to the guidelines ( i.e. mobilities (students must be 14),  project management, implementation, dissemination, potential results,…)
  • install tools for evaluating your activities ( in March we will talk about the evaluation of the whole project)
  • check the project calendar and the schedule of project meetings (attached)

§  Keep deadlines or at least keep in contact